Dr. Jeffrey M. Keisler, PhD, Professor, Management
Information Systems, University of Massachusetts Boston
Jeff Keisler is a Professor in the Management Science & Information Systems
department at University of Massachusetts Boston. Prior to academic life,
he was a decision analyst at General Motors, Strategic Decisions Group
and Argonne National Laboratory. He works on many decision and risk
analytic topics, with over 80 journal articles and 2 co-authored books
as well as the co-edited book Portfolio Decision Analysis for which he
shared the Decision Analysis Society publication award. He has a
career-long interest in understanding how decision models and processes
transform and synthesize information. He has been president of the
INFORMS Decision Analysis Society as well as of the Society for Risk
Analysis specialty group on Decision Analysis & Risk, and was a
Fulbright Distinguished Chair. He serves as an Associate Editor
for Decision Analysis, EURO Journal of Decision Processes, and the
INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics, and is a Senior Editor for the
Wiley book series on Risk, Systems & Decisions. He earned a PhD
in Decision Sciences at Harvard under Howard Raiffa as well as an SM
in Engineering Sciences, and also holds a BS from Wisconsin and an
MBA in Business Economics from Chicago.

Dr. Theodore T. Allen, PhD, Associate Professor, Integrated Systems
Engineering and Computer Science Engineering, Ohio State University
Theodore T. Allen, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor in Integrated Systems
Engineering and Computer Science Engineering (Courtesy) at the Ohio State
University (OSU). He is a simulation Area Editor for Computers &
Industrial Engineering (IF: 5.3), fellow of ASQ, past president of
the INFORMS Section for Social Media Analytics, and an inaugural
member of the MIT Election Science Laboratory. He is also the President
and founder of FactSpread which brings referenced facts to millions.
Dr. Allen is also the Chief Content Officer for the Institute for
Cybersecurity & Digital Trust and a member of OSU's Security Advisory
Board. He is the winner six teaching awards and an OSU College of
Engineering Lumely Research Award. He was also a semi-finalist in
the 2020 INFORMS Edelman competition for helping DHL supply chain to
save $160M with routing software. His applications have helped millions
of save hours of waiting time in US elections.

Dr. Steven Wildman, PhD, JH Quello Chair of Telecommunication
Studies Emeritus at Michigan State University & Visiting Scholar with the
Technology, Cybersecurity and Policy Program, University of Colorado, Boulder.
Steve Wildman is Professor & J.H. Quello Chair of
Telecommunication Studies Emeritus at Michigan State University and
a Visiting Scholar with the Technology, Cybersecurity and Policy
Program at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Prior academic
positions include: Professor and J.H. Quello Chair of Telecommunication
Studies and Director of the Quello Center for Telecommunications
Management and Law, both at Michigan State University; Wee Kim Wee
Professor (visiting) of Communication, Nanyang Technological University,
Singapore; Associate Professor of Communication Studies and Director
of the Program in Telecommunications Science, Management & Policy,
both at Northwestern University; and Assistant Professor of Economics
at UCLA. During 2013 he served as the Chief Economist for U.S. Federal
Communications. He holds a PhD in economics from Stanford University
and a BA in economics from Wabash College. His research has focused
primarily on economics and policy for communication and information

Dr. Dennis Buede, PhD, Chief Innovation Officier, ITA International
Dr. Buede has over forty years of experience in both the theoretical
development and engineering application of decision support technologies.
He received his Ph.D. and M.S. from the Engineering-Economic Systems
Department of Stanford University and his B.S. in Aerospace Engineering
from the University of Cincinnati. He is currently Chief Innovation
Officer of ITA International. He has been a Professor of Systems
Engineering and Engineering Management at Stevens Institute of Technology
and Professor at George Mason University. Prior to that he ran his own
consulting and research company for eight years. He has done extensive
research in the fields of decision and risk analysis, data fusion,
machine learning, and systems engineering. In particular, he has
pioneered in the development of new decision methodologies in the
areas of system design and evaluation, and resource allocation.
He has authored The Engineering Design of Systems: Methods and Models,
coauthored two books, and authored or coauthored numerous professional
and technical papers in the above fields. He belongs to the Institute
for Operations Research and Management Science, the Institute of
Electronic and Electrical Engineers, and the International Council
on Systems Engineering. He is a Fellow of INCOSE.

Duncan Klett, Fellow at Kinaxis. Interested in supply
chain management and operations research and AI in general. M.A.Sc
(Electrical Engineering) from University of British Columbia.

Dr. Michael Leibman, PhD,
Michael N. Liebman, Ph.D (theoretical chemistry and protein crystallography)
is the Managing Director of IPQ Analytics, LLC and Strategic Medicine,
Inc after serving as the Executive Director of the Windber Research
Institute (now Chan Soon-Shiong Institute for Molecular Medicine)
from 2003-2007. He is an Adjunct Professor of Pharmacology and
Physiology at Drexel College of Medicine and Adjunct Professor of
Drug Discovery, First Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University and
also Fudan University. He serves on the Advisory Board for the
International Park for Translational Biomedicine (Shanghai) and the
Center of Biomedical and Health Research in Data Sciences, Univ
Massachusetts(Lowell). Previously, he was Director, Computational
Biology and Biomedical Informatics, University of Pennsylvania Cancer
Center 2000-2003. He served as Global Head of Computational Genomics,
Roche Pharmaceuticals and Director, Bioinformatics and Pharmacogenomics,
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, Director of Genomics for Vysis, Inc. He is a co-founder
of Prosanos, Inc (now United BioSource) (2000). He was Associate Professor of
Pharmacology and of Physiology/Biophysics at Mount Sinai School of Medicine.
He serves on 14 scientific advisory boards, and is an advisor in digital
health and quantum computing and serves on the Board of Directors of
the Nathaniel Adamczyk Foundation in Pediatric ARDS. Michael is Chair
of the Informatics Program and also Chair of Translational Medicine
and Therapeutics for the PhRMA Foundation and a member of their Scientific
Advisory Board. He is on the Advisory Board of the International Society
for Translational Medicine and on the Editorial Board for the Journal
of Translational Medicine, for Clinical and Translational Medicine and
for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics, for Clinico-Economics and Outcomes
Research, Exploratory Research and Hypothesis in Medicine and Biomedicine Hub.
He is a member of the IUPAC Division on Human Health's Medicinal Chemistry
subcommittee. He has served on the External Advisory Board for the INBRE
(NIH) program for the state of Delaware since 2000. He is an Invited
Professor at the Shanghai Center for Bioinformatics Technology and of
the Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research focuses on computational
models of disease progression that stress risk detection, disease
processes and clinical pathway modeling, and disease stratification
from the clinical perspective. He utilizes systems-based approaches
and design thinking to represent and analyze risk/benefit analysis in
pharmaceutical development and healthcare. Current application areas
include: multiple sclerosis, heart failure, triple negative breast
cancer and prematurity/infant-maternal morbidity and mortality.

Dr. Gary J. Summers, PhD, Director, Oncology Portfolio Decision Sciences,
Gary Summers was president of Pipeline Physics LLC, a boutique research
center and consultancy that studies how uncertainty affects decisions
and business processes. His business simulations, which study how
people and teams make risky decisions, received U.S. patents 6,236,955;
6,408,263, and 7,349,838. Dr. Summers earned an M.S. and Ph.D. in
Management Science from Northwestern University, performed a post-doctoral
fellowship at Oregon Graduate Institute (Oregon Health Science University),
and was a visiting research professor at Portland State University.
At GlaxoSmithKline, Dr. Summers helps teams implement decision
analysis across drug development.